My Neovim & tmux key maps to remember
June 20, 2024
Mastering Neovim and tmux can streamline your coding workflow, but remembering all the key mappings can be challenging. This post outlines the essential keybindings I use in my Neovim setup, covering navigation, editing, search, and window management. For the full configuration, check out my GitHub repository . Let's explore the key combinations that make Neovim so powerful!
: move cursor left-
: move cursor right -
: move cursor top -
: move cursor down -
: move to next word -
: move to previous word -
: move to next end of word -
: move to previous end of word -
: move to the start of a line -
: move to the end of a line -
: move the first line of the document -
: move to then last line of the document -
: undo change -
`ctrl + r`
: redo changes -
`ctrl + u`
: Half-page up -
`ctrl + d`
: Half-page down -
`ctrl + b`
: page down -
`ctrl + f`
: page up -
: show definition -
: go to implementation using LSP -
: jump to matching parenthesis or brace or bracket
Search & Replace
: To search and replace all occurrences on every line of the file -
: same as above but Case-Insensitive -
: with confirmation Each time we get a prompt, we have the option to press "y" for yes, "n" for no, and "a" for all occurrences. We can also press "q" to quit, or "l" to replace only one line - see this for more
: search -
`n and N`
: to move between the results of the search -
or`space + nh`
: to clear search highlights
: change inside double quotes -
: change inside brackets -
: example to replace character under curser with the letter o, this work in normal mode, To replace multiple characters with different characters, use R -
`D or d$`
: to delete to the end of the line -
: insert at the end of the line
Inside/Around tags
: yank inside tags -
: change inside tags -
: delete around tags
Copy Paste
: Yank inner word (copy word under cursor, say "first") - Move the cursor to another word (say "second")
`ciw + ctrl + r + 0`
: Change "second", replacing it with "first" - Move the cursor to another word (say "third")
: Change "third", replacing it with "first"
Select and copy all
: go to the first line and yank to the end of a file
Selection (visual mode)
: select inter word-
: select any sequence of none blank characters -
: select a paragraph (sequence of none empty lines) -
: select inter between those braces -
: select around those braces -
`ctrl + v`
: visual block select -
: for switching selection direction in visual mode -
`vK or vJ`
: move selected line up or down
Vim window & tab management
`space + sv`
: split vertical -
`space + sh`
: split horizontal -
`space + se`
: split equal -
`space + sx`
: close current split window -
`space + to`
: open new tab -
`space + tx`
: close current tab -
`space + tn`
: go to next tab -
`space + tp`
: go to previous tab
Vim buffers
`:b + tab`
: show and move between opened buffers -
: to close the buffer with the id 1
`space + ff`
: find `files` by name -
`space + fs`
: find `string` in current working directory as you type -
`space + fc`
: find string under `cursor` in current working directory -
`space + fb`
: list open `buffers` in current neovim instance -
`ctrl + c`
: quit or hide
: show mappings -
: create a file -
: copy -
: delete -
: trash -
: rename -
: search -
: copy name -
`ctrl + t`
: Open file in New Tab
`tmux new -s name`
: to create a new session -
`tmux detach`
: to exit the session -
`tmux ls`
: list of sessions created -
`tmux attach -t name`
: to go back to specific session -
`ctrl + as`
: see and navigate between all sessions created -
`ctrl + ar`
: reload -
`ctrl + aI`
: install plugins -
`ctrl + ac`
: create a new window -
`ctrl + a + index of window`
or (`n` or `p`too) : to navigate between windows -
`ctrl + a,`
: rename a window -
`ctrl + aw`
: list of windows created