My Neovim & tmux key maps to remember

Created: June 20, 2024 01:00 PM

Mastering Neovim and tmux can streamline your coding workflow, but remembering all the key mappings can be challenging. This post outlines the essential keybindings I use in my Neovim setup, covering navigation, editing, search, and window management. For the full configuration, check out my GitHub repository . Let's explore the key combinations that make Neovim so powerful!


  • `h` : move cursor left
  • `l` : move cursor right
  • `j` : move cursor top
  • `k` : move cursor down
  • `w` : move to next word
  • `b` : move to previous word
  • `e` : move to next end of word
  • `ge` : move to previous end of word
  • `0` : move to the start of a line
  • `$` : move to the end of a line
  • `gg` : move the first line of the document
  • `G` : move to then last line of the document
  • `u` : undo change
  • `ctrl + r` : redo changes
  • `ctrl + u` : Half-page up
  • `ctrl + d` : Half-page down
  • `ctrl + b` : page down
  • `ctrl + f` : page up
  • `K` : show definition
  • `gi` : go to implementation using LSP
  • `%` : jump to matching parenthesis or brace or bracket

Search & Replace

  • `:%s/article/tutorial/g` : To search and replace all occurrences on every line of the file
  • `:%s/article/tutorial/gi` : same as above but Case-Insensitive
  • `:%s/article/tutorial/gc` : with confirmation Each time we get a prompt, we have the option to press "y" for yes, "n" for no, and "a" for all occurrences. We can also press "q" to quit, or "l" to replace only one line
  • see this for more


  • `/` : search
  • `n and N` : to move between the results of the search
  • `:noh` or `space + nh`: to clear search highlights


  • `ci"` : change inside double quotes
  • `ciB` : change inside brackets
  • `ro` : example to replace character under curser with the letter o, this work in normal mode, To replace multiple characters with different characters, use R
  • `D or d$` : to delete to the end of the line
  • `A` : insert at the end of the line

Inside/Around tags

  • `yit` : yank inside tags
  • `cit` : change inside tags
  • `dat` : delete around tags

Copy Paste

  1. `yiw` : Yank inner word (copy word under cursor, say "first")
  2. Move the cursor to another word (say "second")
  3. `ciw + ctrl + r + 0` : Change "second", replacing it with "first"
  4. Move the cursor to another word (say "third")
  5. `.` : Change "third", replacing it with "first"

Select and copy all

  • `ggyG` : go to the first line and yank to the end of a file

Selection (visual mode)

  • `iw` : select inter word
  • `viW` : select any sequence of none blank characters
  • `vip` : select a paragraph (sequence of none empty lines)
  • `vi"` : select inter between those braces
  • `va"` : select around those braces
  • `ctrl + v` : visual block select
  • `o` : for switching selection direction in visual mode
  • `vK or vJ` : move selected line up or down

Vim window & tab management

  • `space + sv` : split vertical
  • `space + sh` : split horizontal
  • `space + se` : split equal
  • `space + sx` : close current split window
  • `space + to` : open new tab
  • `space + tx` : close current tab
  • `space + tn` : go to next tab
  • `space + tp` : go to previous tab

Vim buffers

  • `:b + tab` : show and move between opened buffers
  • `:1bw` : to close the buffer with the id 1


Github link for the plugin

  • `space + ff` : find `files` by name
  • `space + fs` : find `string` in current working directory as you type
  • `space + fc` : find string under `cursor` in current working directory
  • `space + fb` : list open `buffers` in current neovim instance
  • `ctrl + c` : quit or hide


Github link for the plugin

  • `g?` : show mappings
  • `a` : create a file
  • `c` : copy
  • `d` : delete
  • `D` : trash
  • `r` : rename
  • `S` : search
  • `y` : copy name
  • `ctrl + t` : Open file in New Tab


  • `tmux new -s name` : to create a new session
  • `tmux detach` : to exit the session
  • `tmux ls` : list of sessions created
  • `tmux attach -t name` : to go back to specific session
  • `ctrl + as` : see and navigate between all sessions created
  • `ctrl + ar` : reload
  • `ctrl + aI` : install plugins
  • `ctrl + ac` : create a new window
  • `ctrl + a + index of window` or (`n` or `p`too) : to navigate between windows
  • `ctrl + a,` : rename a window
  • `ctrl + aw` : list of windows created

For more

Ayoub Sousali🇲🇦